Sunday 11 November 2012

Independent Research 8

Mark Wahlberg to join Transformers 4?

Michael Bay thanks the internet for giving him the idea

Last month saw online message boards awash with talk of Mark Wahlberg being cast in Transformers 4. Michael Bay promptly came out and dismissed the speculation, but it sounds as though the whole affair has given the director an idea…

It seems as though after dismissing the speculation, Bay actually gave it some thought, and decided that it wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.

"I squashed a rumour that was on the internet last week,” said Bay on his blog. “It was about Mark Wahlberg. Mark was rumoured to be starring inTransformers 4. We are working on another movie together, not T4.

“I had such a great time working with Mark on Pain And Gain, and he gave such a great performance,” continues Bay, “let's say that very internet chatter gave me some ideas. We are at the inception of our story process right now on T4. Let's say some ideas are gaining traction with me and my writer - so I'm here to say thanks to internet chatter.”

So does that mean we might see Marky-Mark going up against the Decepticons after all? It’s certainly not a confirmation, but it does at least sound as though Bay is giving it some thought. Bravo, geeks. Bravo…
Would you like to see Wahlberg involved? Tell us, below!

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