Monday 17 December 2012

Radio Script

Scene begins with two twelve year old kids discussing their weekend plans. There is music playing in the background (Tupac). Ambulance/ police sirens going on in the background. The school is rough and very disorderly, all the teachers have given up and are casually smoking. The tables are thrown about, the chairs are all over the place, there are shards of glass on the floor.
Characters – Posh kid – Janani    Ghetto kid – Johnny

Ghetto kid – Yo……Yo Janani, you done the essay?
Posh girl – Yes Johnny I finished it about a half hour ago.
Ghetto kid – Oh .…… .Okay……GEEK!
                                       (Phone rings)
Posh girl – Johnny! Put that away!
Ghetto kid  - Whatevaaaaaa………I just got a text from my boy Abdi…..y’know from Northolt!?
Posh Girl – Yes I vaguely recall that thug
Ghetto kid – Yeah him he’s having a mad PARTAAAAAAAAAY! You coming?
Posh – No…. I didn’t receive an invite.  ( Janani has a hurt look on her face)
Ghetto kid – U WOT! You can be my plus one! We’re gonna drink so much, IT’S GONNA BE LIVE!
         ( Janani has an aghast look)
Posh – Johnny?! You..don’t drink?! Do you?! You can’t! You’re underage!
Johnny – I turn 13 next week next week inni BMT!!!!
Posh – What is BMT? Bacon lettuce and tomato?!
Johnny – No…… big man ting!!!!
Posh – oh okay…….
Johnny – So you coming then?
Posh – I’ll have to ask mother about it because we have dinner plans.
Posh Girl – Uncle Albert and Auntie Jane will be ever so devastated!
            Scene ends with a gun shot
Johnny – Oh I think that was the bell.

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